

Rantings, Musings, Observations, Political Protest, My findings in a quest for truth posted here, open to all. Comments have been disabled due to spam bombers. Pray4Peace.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Report: Howard K. Stern Executor of Anna's Will - post is found in the comments to the story:
"13. someone mistakenly said:

'Howard being the executor and eliminated as beneficiary to ANS estate should be indication enough that he isn't after the $$$$.'

Oh really?

He claimed paternity of Darilynn remember. Officially. Then the court case for DNA test. Days later, while she was with Stern, ANS is murdered by him to stop the DNA test finding out the truth. Next, Stern and his lawyer have denied access to ANS body for the test, despite emergency order from court.

Stern seems to be a killer attempting to hold together his little 1 billion dollar theft.

Surely, another heir being dead only days after in the same damn hospital room, her 20 year old son?! Process of elimination. The trolls are out in force--to defend that ghoul above! Sheesh.

On behalf of the recently established Colombo Society of Reading Between the Lines, paternity and 1 billion dollars can lead to murder... Where's Peter Falk? What an episode:

From CNN:

The tumult surrounding Smith's life now intensifies in death. Plunged into turmoil are

[1] [ongoing] efforts to determine her baby daughter's paternity [potential heir]

[2] and the question of who will inherit her late husband's estate, estimated at more than $1 billion.

[3] Clearing the heirs? Smith dies only five months after her 20-year-old son [heir], Daniel, died in his mother's Bahamas hospital room. [wha?]

[4] Clearing the heirs, though one left: Daniel's death [conveniently] came just three days AFTER Smith gave birth to [novel heir] daughter Dannielynn Hope. The paternity of this child is unestablished though claimed officially by Stern, wh"
