gr8fuldaniel: Digg - TV "psychic" Sylvia Browne told parents of Shawn Hornbeck he was dead.


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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Digg - TV "psychic" Sylvia Browne told parents of Shawn Hornbeck he was dead.

Digg - TV "psychic" Sylvia Browne told parents of Shawn Hornbeck he was dead. He wasnt, and his abductor was not hispanic nor were dredlocks involved. Wrong, wrong and wrong.

by thebaron2 on 1/19/07
[comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 164 diggs
Young girl collapses in her room, cause of death unknown. The parents ask Sylvia what happened, and she answers (not knowing that the girl just collapsed), "She was shot."

A woman who's boyfriend died and they never found the body. Sylvia's explanation? "You didn't find him because he's in water." The woman? "Uhh.. he died in the twin towers on 9/11."

There's plenty of evidence that this woman is a quack - anyone who still believes WILL NOT be convinced otherwise unless she confesses.

Sylvia further exposed here:

Here shes caught lying to the parents of a child; how she was sold as a slave and sent to Japan. The city Browne mentioned was made up and the childs body was found in Fort Worth.

Multiple documented scams by Sylvia Browne:
