gr8fuldaniel: CACI Plans to Drop Interrogation Work


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Friday, April 10, 2009

CACI Plans to Drop Interrogation Work

CACI Plans to Drop Interrogation Work: "CACI Plans to Drop Interrogation Work
Firm Was Entangled in Abu Ghraib
By Ellen McCarthy
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 15, 2005; Page D04
CACI International Inc., the Arlington-based defense contractor that attracted controversy when an employee was accused of participating in the Abu Ghraib prison abuses, is getting out of the interrogation business.
The company said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week that once its existing interrogation contract with the Army expires on Sept. 30, it will no longer provide such services."

The filing did not elaborate on the decision, and CACI executives did not return calls yesterday.
An internal Army report last year said Steven A. Stefanowicz, an interrogator employed by the company, was among four individuals suspected to be "either directly or indirectly responsible for the abuses" at Abu Ghraib.

Subsequent investigations generally concluded that company employees had played a more limited role than originally reported. Nevertheless, six employees of CACI and Titan Corp., which provided translators to the military, were referred to the Justice Department for prosecution.
No charges have been filed.

I know this is old; but, just to remember why we were hiring torturers.... Its UNCONSTITUTIONAL for soldiers and the CIA to torture. The Geneva Conventions are American Laws. That doesnt mean its OK to HIRE people to do it, but 2nd party would be less aggregious.... on some plane in neo-con world.
