

Rantings, Musings, Observations, Political Protest, My findings in a quest for truth posted here, open to all. Comments have been disabled due to spam bombers. Pray4Peace.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Look what I found on WRH:
White House Defends Interrogations
A senior Bush administration official says a secret CIA program
to transfer suspected terrorists to foreign countries for
interrogation is a legal alternative to the cumbersome and
expensive process of holding them in U.S. facilities.
Posted Mar 6, 2005 02:37 PM PST

This fails to adress the real issue.
For two years, the US Government has been torturing, or shipping to other countries to be tortured, people that the US thought might know where Saddam had hidden his weapons of mass destruction.
Except, of course, that Saddam did not HAVE any weapons of mass destruction.
The claims that Saddam did have banned WMDs came from the Pentagon Office of Special Plans. The Pentagon Office of Special Plans is now known to have been inflitrated by an Israeli spy operation.
So, whether the torture was done in US facilities, or 'outsourced', it still comes down to the same thing. The US Government has been torturing innocent people for information they could not possibly have. The US Government has been torturing innocent people for information they could not possibly have. The US Government has
been torturing innocent people for information they could not possibly have. The US Government has been torturing innocent people for information they could not possibly have."
