gr8fuldaniel: 10/14/2007 - 10/21/2007


Rantings, Musings, Observations, Political Protest, My findings in a quest for truth posted here, open to all. Comments have been disabled due to spam bombers. Pray4Peace.


Friday, October 19, 2007

IRS Suffers Staggering Defeat - MSM Buries Story

IRS Suffers Staggering Defeat - MSM Buries StoryIRS Suffers Staggering Defeat -
MSM Buries Story
161 Federal Tax Charges, 0 Convictions
Total National Media Blackout
10 -4 -7

IRS Suffers Staggering Defeat

Tax Questions Raised Regarding Gold and Silver Coins Used to Pay Wages

Around noon on Monday, September 17th, a Las Vegas federal jury returned its verdict refusing to convict nine defendants of any of the 161 federal tax crimes they had been charged with. The charges included income tax evasion, willful failure to file and conspiracy to evade taxes.

The four-month trial centered around the family businesses of Robert Kahre who paid numerous workers for their labor with circulating gold and silver U.S. coins, and did not report the wages. The payments took place over several years, allegedly totaling at least $114 million dollars.

On September 20, 2007, three days after the federal trial's dramatic conclusion, the Las Vegas Review Journal, reportedly under a degree of public pressure, ran its first (and last) story about the outcome of the trial. To this day, with exception of the single article by the Review Journal, no major media entity has published a news story regarding the outcome of this important federal criminal tax case.

The censorship of this important news story is, unfortunately, not unexpected given the continuing, worldwide onslaught against the U.S. "dollar" -- specifically the Federal Reserve variety, and the ever growing numbers of Federal Reserve Notes required to trade for an actual ounce of silver, gold, oil, or for that matter, anything.

In short, this failed prosecution has coalesced and exposed truths our Government desperately needs to hide from the People: the truth about our money, the truth about our (privately-owned) central bank, and the truth about the fraudulent nature of the operation and enforcement of the federal income tax system.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Voters unhappy with Bush and Congress | Reuters

Bush Record 24%
Voters unhappy with Bush and Congress | Reuters

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Randi Rhodes wins decision in CACI lawsuit
CACI is one of the contractors who are ordering our troops to torture and murder prisoners, INCLUDING CHILDREN, they are protected from legal action by an executive order (13303).

Randi got mugged 2 days ago. Any Connection?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Movable Type: Free Download

Movable Type: Free Download Web Publisher
