Greetings !!
I want to start by offering a link to my new Website. It is off to a strong start and I think there is something for everyone here
Be sure and click next at the bottom of each page, I am done with 3 pages so far. Of course there will be some polishing up and some TLC applied as needed. Let me know about any dead linx. This web site will be growing both in size and in beauty. I am fairly new at web design, but what I lack in finesse, I make up for in controversy and heart. I believe it is important to question every thing we "Know". Often those things we hold to the tightest are the things we most need to abandon. Go Figure, maybe its the addictive ravenous beast lurking within.We all know how deadly ideas can be. Just a thought can spell doom to millions. A simple little idea can free a multitude from defeat. Truth is but an idea, a navigator giving direction to to the mind. Truth is not necessarily instinct, but rather more of a learned trait.
A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle. I am compelled to expose injustice where I see it . Whether or not our leaders believe "We the people" have the right to question them and to protest them when they step out of bounds of good sense. We do have a right to redress our government with a petition of grievances (1st amendment). That is not something they can take away from us, no matter how arrogant they become. God Bless America, and God Damn anyone who commits treason against her, right up to the CEO Pirates who are at the helm of this great nation. It is a great nation in spite of our misguided leadership. I believe God will not always bless America, regardless of atrocities she commits. God Blesses America for her benevolence and will refrain his loving kindness should our nation be judged hostile, or greedy, or self-serving. If we neglect our young and elderly and challenged. Remember the fate of those who declared its only the poor, its only the retards, its only the old folks, and then those who said its only the Jews. Our fore fathers warned us about dangerous alliance between corporate America and Government, yet here we have it, a giant corporation with a deaf ear to the people, polluted to the bone with criminally greedy Conquerors belching caustic fumes and murdering innocents abroad with sanctions and bombs and bullitts and depleted uranium. And at home with treacherous medical expenses , hunger, outsourcing jobs to slave traders. Plundering our surplus, Stealing Gold reserves by the ton. Denying the children education because a titanic murdering war machine is more important. So our Mr Greenspan just prints more dollars to finance another hostile takeover of some innocent sovereign nation. Who really believes its right and good to kill Iraqi citizens because Saddam Hussein was killing innocent civilians? Doesnt that make us, him?
I have documentation folks. If I am wrong about any of this (God I wish I was) Please straighten me out. We are being lied to, and somebody has got to hold a candle. I am not alone in my rantings, several candles lit my candle, maybe I can help light yours.
Be sure and check out Air America . First Broadcast tomorrow 3/31/04 at noon. Opening show "The Franken Factor"
"Anybody but Bu$h" .........Peace on Earth