gr8fuldaniel: 04/04/2004 - 04/11/2004


Rantings, Musings, Observations, Political Protest, My findings in a quest for truth posted here, open to all. Comments have been disabled due to spam bombers. Pray4Peace.


Saturday, April 10, 2004

Common Cause - Citizens working to end special-interest politics and reform government ethics.

Common Cause - Citizens working to end special-interest politics and reform government ethics.

Friday, April 09, 2004

The Memory Hole [rescuing knowledge, freeing information]

Ashcroft Mosaic of NudesHubLog: Smell the satire

This just in: Our evil war monger and profiteer Misleaders are actually the Abombination of Desolation we were warned about in the good book. They have reared their 7 ugly heads. (Bush,Rummy,Condi,Rove,Ridge,Powell,and Cheney. Repent.)No relief from the hotbed of hate. The Draft is back, they just arent calling it that yet. So sign up voluntarily for Armeggedon. This may be the last war ever. Be a volunteer for the Rivers of Blood campaign. Go with the flow.

The Nation

Bravo !! The truth is out. There is no easter bunny and Iraq was not a threat to us. Its refreshing to see a little honesty reported by the propaganda spinners. Although I dont remember seeing them report that Bush is un-American for killing us. End the Bush and the Easter Bunny Lies by exposing them. Remember, its everybodys job. Yahoo! News - Actors Whip Easter Bunny at Church Show

Thursday, April 08, 2004


Condi 9-11 - Editorial Cartoons by Steve Bradenton

Here it is... my pride and joy LINX

Under PRE-Testimony coverage...Questions that wont be asked : "April 7, 2004
Why was it in our national interests for the administration to facilitate the evacuation of Bin Laden family members and other prominent Saudis from the United States in the days immediately following 9/11?
" and a question I personally need answered:"Why was nothing done(for nearly 2 hours) while terrorists had control of the commercial planes on 911"??????????Questions for Condi - Center for American Progress

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Free Trial from microsoft Get your free OneNote 2003 60-Day Trial today!

Bush regime International crimesThe Nation -- Legislative Alerts and Updates

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Mother Earth News: Turning on Renewable Energy | A Paul Revere no one wants to hear from

Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? Why Three Out of Four Experts Predict a Terrorist Attack by November - Maureen Farrell at

You know what? Bush can go Fuck himself. It is imperitive that we get this idiot out of our white house. Any terrorist attack would better than one extra day with that cocksucker tresspassing against us Americans. Bush has not taken a stand against terrorism, in fact he aidded and abetted them by ordering a stand down to the Air Force on 911. While he was looking for a hole to hide in. That pile of steamy shit deserves jail time not an extra 10 minutes as (God , I hate referring to him as this) President. Crime puppet is more like it.
It would not surprise me if they perpetrated another terrorist attack, to create a state of emergency so they can call off the election. That is not beneath these guys. Criminals. Their agenda predicts such a move.
Kick the bastards out. IMPEACH the lot of them.

Monday, April 05, 2004

The Enron Pentagon

Yahoo! News - Kennedy Compares Bush to Richard Nixon

April 5 2004 meditation from


Sunday, April 04, 2004

Join the Open Directory ProjectOpen Directory - Help Central

Ex-Nixon Aide John Dean Tells Bill Moyers that Bush Should Be Impeached

AlterNet: Duped by Wal-Mart

Take Action: Take Action on National Security

Click here to sign petition for Bush to release thousands of documents he is withholding from the 911 Commission. Stop the stonewalling.
